A good debugger and techniques that make code easier to understand
were essential for project success.
Better debugging capability (than was provided with the previously used CodeView command line compiler/debugger) was achieved through use
of a Borland Turbo C IDE (integrated development environment) compiler/debugger.
Code was
cleaned up
by reducing the number of global variables (i.e., better variable localization). By passing (formerly global) variables as arguments,
it became more apparent which subroutines were doing what to the state of the tool, making the code less
(or less likely to break at the lower levels from higher level changes).
Implementing more descriptive naming conventions (replacing obscure abbreviations in variable names with slightly longer English verbs), as the higher level purposes of
various pieces of code were
, and using
an abbreviated level of (what programmers refer to as)
Hungarian Notation
(to indicate variable scoping and type, see:
Making Wrong Code Look Wrong) resulted in a well understood software package that
Waterfall development phases on time and made the transition into a 24x7 manufacturing environment smooth and error free.